Our Journey Begins...
“Tell the story that's been growing in your heart, the characters you can't keep out of your head, the tale story that speaks to you, that pops into your head during your daily commute, that wakes you up in the morning.”
—Jennifer Weiner,
We have a story that has been growing in our hearts, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
As teachers and moms, it has always been a dream of ours to write a book that our kids would one day be able to read and know that we wrote this with them in mind… and that day is coming… sooner than we ever imagined.
The best part about this whole adventure? We did it together.
Karlie and I authored the book, our youngest sister, Kandice, is our brilliant illustrator that will be bringing our words to life, our mom is our creative producer and my husband, Eastin, is our editor.
So today, we want to share this simple message with you.
If you are dreaming it… do it.
If there is a story in your heart, whatever it might be, tell it.
Don’t let fear stop you.
Just like we would tell our children to dream big, we are here telling you… Dream big.
We are beyond excited to share that we have an incredible, completely immersive reading experience for your children coming soon on @kickstarter! Our fantasy children’s novel combines the best of both worlds... Engaging prose with beautiful graphic novel images that will entice even the most reluctant readers to keep reading!
Who did we create this magical story for?
As we were writing, we wanted to share an expedition experience for all of our fantasy, adventure loving kids out there. This book is written in second person and allows for your child to completely experience the enchanted worlds as the main character of the story. We dreamed of this book becoming a family experience, where each person would eagerly look forward to grabbing their cozy blankets and favorite snacks and cuddling up to see what happens next on our hero's journey.
This is written for children 8 and up, but geared for an independent reading experience for 10 and up.
Make sure that you are following us on Instagram @todayslearningcoaches and on twitter @todays_learning to see all of our story updates and the countdown to what will be one of our biggest adventures yet!
Creating Morning Routines
Somedays, the mornings are my favorite part of the day, and some other days, they do not get started on the right foot, and my whole day feels off. My typical routine looks like this:
5:30 AM Wake up with my 9 month old (we are working on this, because 5:30 am is not my jam)
5:35 AM Feed Emmie her bottle
5:45 AM Soak in as much rest time as possible until Emmie wants to play
5:55 AM Emmie decides she no longer wants to rest and it’s time to play
7:00 AM Relocate downstairs to put on coffee, feed Emmie breakfast, make household lunches
7:30 AM Play more but in the downstairs space where Emmie can have some safe independence practice and I can do a little bit of work (usually in five minute increments)
8:00 AM Put Emmie in for her nap
8:15 AM Fifteen more minutes of work
8:30 AM Exercise for a half an hour
9:00 AM Get ready & drink coffee
9:30 AM Emmie wakes up and we get ready to head out for the day, so Kim and I can have the girls play together and we can work
We do this almost everyday. A few days a week Dillon will take the morning shift with Emmie, and I get to rest or do a little work if I can’t fall back asleep, but this is our family’s morning routine. Now, do I know with 100 percent certainty that if we deviated from this schedule the day would go horribly wrong and I would be a mess, and Emmie would be crankier and Dillon would have a bad day… no, but am I pretty confident that having the wrong start to our morning does make it harder to recover and have a good day.
Studies show that children and their parents thrive when routines are put in place, and I know that on the days where I can have my steady routine, I do feel better. Whereas on the days when Emmie’s naps end early and I can’t exercise or take a peaceful shower that lasts more than two minutes, it affects both of us. The mood of one parent can affect the household, and that mood can be absorbed by others. So, if I am in a great mood, my morning routine was a complete success, the likelihood is, Emmie is having a great day, and I’m way nicer to my husband. But to be honest, on those tough mornings, it’s not always easy to feel nice, and that could ruin all of the people’s days that I come into contact with.
But let’s chat about families with older children, the ones who have to fight in the morning for shower times, or struggle to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how many times the alarm goes off, or even better, the ones where the children are screaming throughout the house over “borrowed” clothes (this last one is very familiar to our household growing up). The very idea of a morning routine just feels a little out of reach here!
However, these households are the ones that will benefit the most, we just have to start slowly. It is such a great idea to start creating routines early in life, and the household morning routine is the perfect way to band together as a team and create a morning goal list.
So start with this question: what do you want your morning to feel like & look like?
Then create your goals for your morning routine that will help you achieve this morning schedule as a family
Pick one goal and meet that one successfully
Add another one and keep going until you have incorporated all of your goals for your morning routine
When you have achieved your family’s ideal routine, revisit it as a team and make sure that it is working well for everyone
I know that sometimes the very idea of creating goals is intimidating. For people who get anxious when they think about committing to a schedule, starting slowly using the steps outlined above will be the easiest way to tiptoe into this. You might even realize that you already have a good baseline routine that just needs a little tweaking.
Our goal is to bring more joy into your household, and provide small adjustments that have a big impact on your life. Something as simple as putting on the coffee when you first wake up, so you’re not waiting for it to brew when you really need to be on your way to work, is a game changer! Or having your children pick out their clothes the night before or over the weekend, adds so much more peace to your household.
So join us this week on Instagram where we’ll share tips, important resources, and more as we look to work with you to create your morning routines and improve our own!
Back To School Anxiety
Anxiety is not always the easiest feeling to recognize. Happy, sad, mad, sleepy… those are all relatively easy to put your finger on when someone asks for you to tell them how you are. However, anxious, is a feeling that sometimes requires a little bit more of an investigation into your body and where this feeling lives. For me, anxiety percolates in the pit of my stomach and then builds a little nest in my chest, making me feel uncomfortable. In my head I can do a physical check to see that I am okay. I even remind myself, let’s look at the facts and not the feelings, but that doesn’t always make that anxious feeling go away. Sometimes, even when I work through the reasons why I might be anxious, it takes my body a little while to catch up to my brain. This makes me more anxious!
Now, as an adult, with years of practice of examining my feelings, and more recent practice expressing them, I still find it difficult to share with others why I might feel anxious. So, I can only imagine that as a child, feeling this way, and not always having the tools to work through it, could be scary, creating potential panic.
This week we are focusing on back to school anxiety, specifically for students, but parents, this includes you too! Sending your child to school is stressful, especially if this is the first time for you. So don’t forget that while we want to share ways for you to help your child overcome this difficult feeling, we need to make sure that you are prepared too!
All throughout this week we will be sharing mantras, tips, and articles (easy, quick reads) that will help you and your child to feel more connected, and most importantly, provide you with more tools to overcome some back to school anxiety your child might be facing.
Sneak Peek Alert: Wednesday you’ll see an article that will share how parents can help their children and recognize anxiety without their children specifically telling them that something doesn’t feel right. One of my favorite tips is to address the anxiety and not avoid it. Even as an adult, if I am feeling anxious, it is so much easier to put on the TV and try to drown out the noise in my head. I try so hard to push the panic deep down where I don’t have to think about it, but my body doesn’t feel any better after I do this. However, if I had just addressed these feelings head on in the first place, it might have taken less of a toll on me, and I could have recovered faster. So now, I do my best to do a little self reflection instead of avoid what might be the cause of the anxiousness.
In a world where there is so much around us to provide us with the distraction that we want, sometimes all we need is a quiet, safe space, and a little reassurance from our parents.
Be sure to following along on our Instagram stories to get amazing resources on how to make this back to school season a positive experience for your child!
Self Reflection
Sometimes I get stuck in my head. Now, I know I am not the only one out there who does this, but I am constantly running potential scenarios in my mind about what might happen throughout the day, and then I think about how I might handle those scenarios. I am going to attribute this to the fact that I have a face that is easily read, so if someone surprises me and I am not thrilled by the surprise, I need to be able to adjust my face, so no one’s feelings get hurt. But most importantly, I don’t like to be too reactive, so I prepare. I reflect.
As a parent, there is very little free time in the day, but in those moments where you can free up a little mental room, making some space for personal reflection is a game changer.
Reflection can improve relationships: when my feelings are hurt by someone I love, I need time to decide what I want to say, and every single time, what I end up expressing is completely different than what I would have said if I did not take the time to walk away and reflect. Initially, I would want to yell, maybe cry, or even say something mean. It is very easy to react negatively in a negative situation! But, when I walk away, I am providing myself with the space to feel my feelings, and craft a response that will make a positive change versus something that will add gasoline to the fire.
Reflection can enhance your work day: One of my favorite things to do with my previous work team was to reflect. We would have a big event, like school orientation, where we would welcome hundreds of students and provide days of fun and learning. After this event, our team would sit down together and share in the glory of the wins we experienced, but even better was when we could recognize where we would like to make improvements for the next event. We made it a point to not beat ourselves up over a missed step, but considered it an opportunity for growth.
Reflection can and should be taught to our children: it is not always easy to self-reflect, and as you’ll see in a few of the articles we share this week, many CEO’s struggle with taking the time and knowing what to ask themselves while quietly thinking. So, the earlier we start to teach self reflection, the easier it will be for them to partake in this activity. Start with this: daily highs and lows. Everyone goes around the dinner table and shares what the best point of their day was, the worst point of their day was and end with how they improved someone else’s day. If you are just starting out, even getting your children to open up about these three questions is a win! If your children aren’t comfortable sharing aloud yet, provide them with a notebook to write their answers in, and eventually ask for them to share. When you have made it to the sharing part and conversation is flowing, ask follow up questions like: how could that negative moment have been changed? Or, how did your low moment affect someone else? This helps children start to think about how their inner feelings affect behavior, which affects other people.
Self reflection helps us to build the life that we want, and be the people that we want to be around. After all, you cannot run from yourself, so let’s reflect upon becoming the person you want to run towards.
Stay on the lookout for everything we are sharing this week: thought provoking questions to get you started on your journey, articles that go into more depth on the importance of self reflecting, and a few fun things that we love and want to share with you!
Making Summer Memories
The summer time brings back so many different memories for us all. Maybe it’s the sounds of the ice cream truck, the smell of sunscreen, the feel of the sand under our feet, or the swelling excitement building in our chests for vacation. Each and everyone of us have special memories of what it was like to experience summer as a kid, and hopefully those memories sometimes involve our parents!
Becoming a mother myself, I have to say that I have never appreciated my own mom more. She raised four girls and during the summer cared for two more girls. That’s six kids, people! You would think that six girls would be able to stay busy all day with each other, but shockingly no matter if you have one kid, or six, children need guidance on ways to stay active during the day to avoid that awful summer “boredom.” (I think as parents now, most of us would give anything to feel even a little bored; I’m not sure when it changes from being bored to getting to relax, but I know I miss it!)
Deb (our mom), had a house full of girls that she tricked into reading for fun. Now this might come as the most shocking fact about myself, but growing up, I struggled with reading and I did not enjoy it during the school year. Forget about writing! Yet, here I am now, a woman who studied English and education in college, who loves reading and writing for fun.
So how did she do it?! She turned even the most boring of tasks into adventures and games. She needed things to do with all of us throughout the week, so she incorporated weekly trips to the library. She let us spend what felt like hours in the library finding books that we liked. She let us enroll in the library reading programs, the ones where they give you prizes for finishing books, but only if we wanted to. She made it feel special with gentle encouragement instead of mandating it, or making it feel like a chore.
Another tool my mom used to keep us busy was “playing school.” There is something about playing school versus being in school that changed the tone of the tasks we were doing. She got all of us to spend time every single week writing book reports, yes I said it, we wrote book reports during the summer… for fun!
It might sound crazy because there is no one there to really check if your children are reading and writing like they learned throughout the school year, but just the practice helps kids avoid the summer slide! Learning is just like a sport or a skill- when we take time off from learning, our muscle memory might be there a few months later, but we have to work a lot harder to get back to where we were in May or June when summer started. However, you do not have to be the expert… I repeat no experts are needed here! Just the opportunities to practice are the important part.
So what should you take away from this?!
We know it is not easy for you, as a parent who is so busy with work, household management, providing meals, raising children, and if you are a real go-getter… trying to have a social life, to also teach your children. So easy things that you can do during the day, that would also likely provide you with a little more free time to get some of these things checked off of your list… create some designated reading or writing time for your children. If you have resistant or reluctant readers, start small, we do not want to scare them away the first week!
Some Ideas
Plan trips to the library (pick out a book for yourself too, you deserve some fun!).
Provide a special notebook where they can write down any fun activities they did that week.
Have your children join book club (this can be with you or independently with their friends).
Print out teacher created independent reading comprehension questions.
Ways to make it fun
Make any special outings related to reading a surprise and when you arrive, share your level of excitement with your children.
If you are purchasing books or notebooks for your children, have them become rewards or gifts.
Create an incentive program in your home (if you read 3 books, then you will get to pick out a special dinner/ if you read up to 6 books, you will get to go on a fun outing/ if you read 10 books. you will get to have a present. This works for writing and answering comprehension questions too).
Encourage independence-when providing independent work, praise them for being able to try something on their own.
Everything you do will create such amazing memories for your children to look back fondly on!
Check out research based links for more information on the importance of avoiding the summer slide!
It's Cooking Show Camp Week
Happy Weekend Friends!
Welcome to our fourth week of Today’s Learning Coach Summer Camp!
We can’t wait to share this week’s theme with you, which happens to be one of our favorite things of all time, challenge based cooking shows!
This week’s theme:
Cooking Show Camp!
I think that by now, you’ve seen the results of what takes place when you switch it up on your kids, magic happens! The mundane routine becomes enchanted and the next thing you know, you have kids that are engaged, excited and maybe even listening for what’s coming next.
Now generally in the classroom, we spread these special transformation moments out. I would pull a magic moment out when we would need it most… routines became boring, the content would be complex, or we just needed a family memory making moment that would strengthen relationships.
At the end of the day, that is what these camp ideas are all about- exciting moments for your family to work together, learn together and just have fun, because sometimes, we can get lost in the race. It happens. So a quick reset and an awesome theme can bring back the joy moments!
So, our question to you is… where are our foodies?
Get ready for a week of beautiful no bake challenges for your family to create memories in the kitchen!
We are going to share with you a different cooking show concept each day, and then provide recipes and ideas that would correlate with that show’s premise!
OF COURSE you can switch it up to anything you want! If you have special ingredients that would work better for your family, use those! It’s not about spending extra money, or going crazy looking for obscure ingredients, it's simply about working on something together as a family in a new and exciting way!
We thought it would be so fun for you to surprise your children with chef aprons and hats to get everyone ready for what’s to come! Amazon has endless affordable options, and if you already have kid’s aprons, YAY!
Here is one option for a set of 3 chef hats and aprons combined! (Less Boxes!)
So let’s dive right into Cooking Show Camp!
Welcome to the Great British Baking Show
Who will be the star baker in this exciting challenge?
This show is based on having two judges share three different challenges with their bakers. Start with the signature, head into the technical and then end with your show stopper.
Now of course this can be spread out over the course of the day, or you can just choose one!
Remember, this is about having fun, engaging your kids, and making memories. So if three recipes in one day sounds overwhelming, steer clear and just do one! Save the other two for a rainy day!
Signature: Fruit Pizza Mini’s- link here
Technical: Hamburger Cookies- link here
Showstopper: Banana Split Bites- link here
Nailed It- Rice Krispie Creations
Ever had a pinterest fail? We sure have! And of course it always happens when you have guests coming in like 10 minutes.
This show is all about doing your best and trying to replicate a beautiful tasty treat, and so often the contestants fail, reminding us that we should enjoy the process and know that not everything is going to be perfect, and that is just fine!
Using Rice Krispie treats (or rice krispie cereal, melted butter & melted marshmallows) create the mold and then decorate with icing to replicate your favorite animal!
Rice Krispie inspiration:
Master Chef Jr
Yes, these children are wildly impressive and have way better cooking skills than me. Like way better skills. I can’t help but love how passionate and talented they all are, and I know that within my own classroom, I’ve had so many young students really passionate about cooking and baking!
We are going to offer two healthy options here! You can choose whichever one sounds better for you!
Frozen Yogurt Fruit Bark- link
Healthy Banana Splits- link
Zumbo’s Just Desserts: ice cream sandwich cake challenge!
If you are passionate about dessert, today is your day! Zumbo’s Just Desserts is about creating magical tasty treats, so what better to do this than combine two delicious favorites: ice cream and cake!
Let’s create an Ice Cream Sandwich Cake!
Chopped Challenge
Chopped is another fun surprise game that allows kids to get creative! This link shares so many helpful tips on how to make this challenge age appropriate for younger kids.
We certainly love the idea of pre-cooking any ingredients that you want to include, to avoid kids using the stove, and the idea of creating a “mini pantry area” to avoid little ones running in out of your actual pantry or rummaging through cabinets.
This link also shares some great basket combinations.
We recommend:
English Muffin
We can’t wait to see your creations come to life and hope that our camp this week will spark new passions and learning moments with your family!
Also, if messes in the kitchen might cause you stress (which we TOTALLY GET), hop on over to our pinterest! We have so many no bake recipes that don’t need that many ingredients that you can use instead of these options, that might be a little bit more contained!
Happy baking, friends!
Enjoy the journey!
It's Space Week
As a mom with a teacher's brain, I always try to keep learning moments at the forefront of our day. But as you know, time can go so fast, and quickly become so busy, that it is often impossible to just make it all magical. Trust us, we get it!
So that’s where our idea for Today’s Learning Coaches Summer Camp came into play...
What if we shared really easy, educational, and engaging activities with you guys on Sundays, and then you can pick and choose what works for you as a family.
What if we gave you a unifying theme to talk about over the course of a week and provide some great learning moments, and then you can extend the learning as much as you would like, or simply participate in that day’s activity!
That’s our goal here! This week, we are sharing all things space week! So have your kids create their own library by pulling any books on space that they might already have!
Hop over to your local library, hype the kids up about this week’s theme and grab some titles they’ve never seen before!
Head over to kids youtube… yes we said it.. Youtube, and check out some incredible educational videos that can build some background knowledge for them! Balance is key here, and if we can encourage educational screen time, it's a win in my book!
Then take a quick peek at our activities this week. Here’s the breakdown!
Create your own planet!
This is a beautiful moment where you can learn some basic facts about any of the planets in our solar system and then allow time for your kids to get creative by making their very own planet. They can make a poster, use chalk, create a model or make a painting. Anything goes here! For your writers, encourage them to create a brochure or travel guide on everything we would need to know about their new planet!
Take a virtual field trip to the moon. What a remarkable experience this could be! Grab some snacks, and feel free to save this one for the rainy day this week! Get cozy, give your kids a note taking page from our Instagram swipe up, and reflect on all of the amazing information that they learned on their field trip when it's over!
Outer Space Calming Bottles! This is a beautiful and CALM way to learn even more about space! Grab a clear plastic bottle, any kind will work just fine! Fill your bottle with water, or if you want a slower and more calming experience, try adding mineral oil. Add some color using food dye. You can use red and blue to make purple, or any color your child would like! You can add glitter, small stars, and even small planets (these are pretty affordable on amazon).
Erupting Moon Rocks! Make these in the morning so that they have time to dry! They will be ready to erupt by the afternoon!
Step 1: Create moon dough! Combine baking soda, water, black and silver glitter, black liquid watercolor paint or food dye. Let your kids use their hands to create moon rocks from the dough!
Step 2: Grab your moon dough and a squeezy bottle filled with water and one with vinegar. Form the moon dough into balls to make moons. Slowly add water to help create the ball shape. Then, let the moon balls completely dry! Once they are dry (hopefully by the afternoon if you make them in the morning), you can guide your children with the squeezy bottle of vinegar to create erupting moon moments!
They will love seeing the glitter shine through!
Fun Friday LIVE on our instagram!
We love being live with you guys and are so excited for this one! Join us at 2pm est on Friday to make our Jupiter Jars in action! There are a few different ways to create this awesome experiment! Feel free to gather your materials before we start our live and make this experiment along with us, or of course you can always do it later!
You will need:
*A clear jar that has a lid that seals. Amazon has round jars with lids that would model a planet!
*Red and yellow food coloring
*Water (enough to fill your jar)
*3 tablespoons of mica powder (red and yellow work best and you can find this on amazon)
These activities might be more than enough for your busy family, or maybe your kids have fallen in love with space and want more! Head on over to our Pinterest! We have a board ready to go for you filled with incredible activities that are really manageable to do! You will also find amazing space book recommendations there!
Click this link for our space board and be sure to follow us there for new ideas each week!
We can’t wait for you to have an amazing and memorable week with your families!
Be sure to tag us over on Instagram @todayslearningcoaches and share the fun that you are having with your space week activities!
Happy Learning!
What we say, and how we say it matters
Let’s get a little more specific here; how we label our children and students matters! For years we have used the word struggling to define ourselves, or anyone who isn’t very good at something yet. I personally have never thought twice about using the word struggling. It isn’t the most offensive word out there, and it is pretty to the point. We ask people to let us know when they are struggling so we can help them. We express how important it is to keep at something you are struggling with. But if you were labeled struggling, would you really want to keep at it?
I cannot express how much I have enjoyed using the free resources over on the scholastic website to keep learning, but stumbling upon the From Striving to Thriving- How to Grow Confident Capable Readers, author Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward's webinar, has changed my life this week.
They have taught me that a simple word change creates a gigantic mindset change. Switch out the word struggling for striving. That’s right everyone, we are no longer strugglers, we are strivers! I don’t want to ever think of myself as struggling anymore, but striving everyday to be better.
So let’s use this for our children and students too. Don’t let them hear you say that they are struggling readers, learners, athletes, etc. Don’t let others call them that anymore either. It is okay to share this awesome piece of advice with everyone you know now.
If you change the word, you change the connotation of experiencing difficulty. “We replace the dooming label 'struggling readers' with the effort based term 'striving readers' because it connotes energy, action and progress.” - Stephanie Harvey and Annie Ward
We are so much more than our struggles and hardships, and everyday that we work to improve our lives means that we strive to thrive.
Thirty Day Challenge : Thirty days to organization!
That word either brings a smile to your face, or a moment of panic. And so often, even the most organized people need a reset! We all have those spaces in our homes that we just wish were more functional, or certain spots that are just not working for us, whatever that reason is...
Right now for me, it's my 2 year old. She is amazing, but fast as lightning. Future track star? Maybe… But for now, when a toy, or an item isn’t working for us in the space we are in, I quickly remove it and always say, I’ll put that in its right place the universe laughs at me.
Really though, when is it later? The days are busy, like jam packed. Later rarely comes, unless I schedule it somehow. But then I think to myself, if I have 20 minutes, am I going to use that time doing something that will fill my cup, or fix that overflow closet...
You know the answer. We all have to have those cup filling, reset moments so that we are the best versions of ourselves and not the scary mom monsters that want to come out every now and again. #reallife
So if you are like me right now, in a busy season, and not everything is necessarily working in your home, we invite you to join us for our August Thirty Day Challenge!
Each week, we are going to focus on a specific space/area in our home that can easily be adjusted to make work for our family. Trust us, the time invested into these simple, yet life changing area goals is going to create more peaceful moments for our family, and isn’t that the goal? To have a home space that works… one that doesn’t make you cringe when you open “THAT” drawer, or “THAT” closet?
But Wait… there’s more!
Our children are craving responsibility and independence everyday. From the earliest age of two years old through high school, we hear.. “Let me do it.” So let’s let them! Not only do we have a goal list for you, but we have one for your child too! We need them to get their space in order to have a successful start to the school year by organizing their rooms and creating their individual learning spaces.
So this month, we are working on setting our families and homes up for the best possible back to school yet. Organized homes, organized kids and families that are on the same page!
Ready to take it to the next level?!
We are beyond excited to share with you this month’s special for your kids!
We have our digital and printable planners on sale this month for $10.00. If you or your child has ever struggled with keeping track of important information, announcements and upcoming assignments or tests, or you want to instill some new goal setting and reflective practices into your child, then we encourage you to check out our back to school planners!
They are created in google slides, so once your child has access, they can share the document with you. From there, any updates that they make, like upcoming tests, field trips, or important dates/items are immediately shared to you! You are no longer in the dark! Welcome to the light, my friends!
If your child is someone that does better hands on, then we are thrilled to share that this planner is completely printable and becomes a beautiful and easy to manage binder!
And we cannot sleep on our organization course! If your child has ever struggled with keeping their school materials organized, we can help! For the last ten years, we have been working on our student organization color coded system that allows for kids to take accountability of their materials, know exactly where their important items are and have the freedom to be engaged in their learning content instead of searching their backpack for their missing item!
You can instill our EASY to implement, student organization system at ANY point in the year! Our course includes our organization printables, easy to navigate information, straight to the point video instruction broken down by section, and your choice of one of our student planners!
We can’t wait for this to be your most organized year yet!