Thirty Day Challenges
Thirty Day Challenge : Thirty days to organization!
That word either brings a smile to your face, or a moment of panic. And so often, even the most organized people need a reset! We all have those spaces in our homes that we just wish were more functional, or certain spots that are just not working for us, whatever that reason is...
Right now for me, it's my 2 year old. She is amazing, but fast as lightning. Future track star? Maybe… But for now, when a toy, or an item isn’t working for us in the space we are in, I quickly remove it and always say, I’ll put that in its right place the universe laughs at me.
Really though, when is it later? The days are busy, like jam packed. Later rarely comes, unless I schedule it somehow. But then I think to myself, if I have 20 minutes, am I going to use that time doing something that will fill my cup, or fix that overflow closet...
You know the answer. We all have to have those cup filling, reset moments so that we are the best versions of ourselves and not the scary mom monsters that want to come out every now and again. #reallife
So if you are like me right now, in a busy season, and not everything is necessarily working in your home, we invite you to join us for our August Thirty Day Challenge!
Each week, we are going to focus on a specific space/area in our home that can easily be adjusted to make work for our family. Trust us, the time invested into these simple, yet life changing area goals is going to create more peaceful moments for our family, and isn’t that the goal? To have a home space that works… one that doesn’t make you cringe when you open “THAT” drawer, or “THAT” closet?
But Wait… there’s more!
Our children are craving responsibility and independence everyday. From the earliest age of two years old through high school, we hear.. “Let me do it.” So let’s let them! Not only do we have a goal list for you, but we have one for your child too! We need them to get their space in order to have a successful start to the school year by organizing their rooms and creating their individual learning spaces.
So this month, we are working on setting our families and homes up for the best possible back to school yet. Organized homes, organized kids and families that are on the same page!
Ready to take it to the next level?!
We are beyond excited to share with you this month’s special for your kids!
We have our digital and printable planners on sale this month for $10.00. If you or your child has ever struggled with keeping track of important information, announcements and upcoming assignments or tests, or you want to instill some new goal setting and reflective practices into your child, then we encourage you to check out our back to school planners!
They are created in google slides, so once your child has access, they can share the document with you. From there, any updates that they make, like upcoming tests, field trips, or important dates/items are immediately shared to you! You are no longer in the dark! Welcome to the light, my friends!
If your child is someone that does better hands on, then we are thrilled to share that this planner is completely printable and becomes a beautiful and easy to manage binder!
And we cannot sleep on our organization course! If your child has ever struggled with keeping their school materials organized, we can help! For the last ten years, we have been working on our student organization color coded system that allows for kids to take accountability of their materials, know exactly where their important items are and have the freedom to be engaged in their learning content instead of searching their backpack for their missing item!
You can instill our EASY to implement, student organization system at ANY point in the year! Our course includes our organization printables, easy to navigate information, straight to the point video instruction broken down by section, and your choice of one of our student planners!
We can’t wait for this to be your most organized year yet!